Welcome to the Division Gender and Globalisation!
The division of Gender and Globalisation researches and teaches the transformation of gender-hierarchies in a global context. Gender-relations in their different local varieties and in their distinct political, historical and cultural relations are at the core of our sociological analyses.
The restructuring of the global economy deeply interferes with traditional social hierarchies and integrates, modifies and reproduces gender inequalities. Resistance against these new/ old forms of gender hierarchies is forming globally, be it through individual subversion strategies or through collective political action.
The division's research questions deal with environmental crises, gender-analyses of the economy, networks of knowledge and politics, food and agriculture and city- and spatial planning in their intertwinement of local and global realities.
l.t.r: Dounia Biedermann, Christina Sickert, Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt, Dr. Meike Brückner, Suse Brettin
Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt
Post address:
Hannoversche Str. 27
House 12
D-10115 Berlin
Tel.: +49-(0)30-20 93-46825
Fax: +49-(0)30-20 93-46830
E-Mail: sekretariat.gg@hu-berlin.de