Dr. Sindu Kebede

Scientific Staff
Short Bio
- 10/2013-12/2018 Post-doctoral researcher, HORTINLEA Project, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Ökonomik der Gärtnerischen Produktion. Major responsibiliy: Led the team conducting panel household survey of the project and analyzing the survey data on focus areas: food security, poverty, decision making under risk and uncertainty
- 09/2009-09/2013 Doctoral student, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin)
- 09/2009-10/2013 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences. Title: Poverty and Shocks in Development Economics: Macro-micro analysis.
- 01/2005-07/2009 Research Assistant, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
- 09/2002–07/2004 Master of Science in Economic Policy Analysis, Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), Department of Economics
- 09/1997–07/2001 Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), Department of Economics, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Ngenoh, E., Kurgat, B., Bett, H., Kebede, S., and Bokelmann, W. (2019). Determinants of competitiveness of smallholder African indigenous vegetable farmers in high-value agro-food chains in Kenya: A multivariate probit regression Analysis. Agricultural and Food Economics, 7(2): 2019.
- Mwanga, R., Kebede, S, and Bokelmann, W. (2019). Protein and energy contribution of African indigenous Vegetables: Evidence from Kenya. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 20(1): 15177-15193.
- Ngenoh, E., Kebede S.W., Bett H. K., and Bokelmann W. (2018). Coping with Shocks and Determinants among Indigenous Vegetable Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. Agricultural Sciences. 09(07):804-823.
- Kebede S.W, Bokelmann W. (2017) African Indigenous Vegetables and their Production Practices: Evidence from the HORTINLEA Survey in Kenya. Agrotechnology 6: 170.
- Kebede, S.W., B.Fekadu, and D. Aredo (2016). Impact of Trade Liberalization on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Microsimulation. International Journal of Microsimulation, 9(1):109-133.
- Ngenoh E., Kebede S.W., Bett H.K., and Bokelmann W., (2015). The role of High-Valued Market Participation on Poverty Reduction among African Leafy Vegetable Farmers in Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Science Vol. 10 (In Press). (ISSN: 1998-9326)
- Anandajayasekeram, P.,K.Davis, and S.W.Kebede (2007). Farmer Field Schools: An Alternative to Existing Extension Systems? Experience from Eastern and Southern Africa, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. 14(1): 81-93.
Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Books
- Kebede, S.W. and C. Muller (2018). Extreme events and coping strategies: Evidence from Ethiopia. In: Adamseged and Bokelmann (eds.) 2018. Value Chain Development for Food Security in the Context of Climate Change: Perspectives and Lessons From a North-South Capacity Building Project. Schriftenzurinternationalen Agrarentwicklung Bd. 79 (In press).
- Asenso-Okyere, K and Kebede, S.W. (2012). The effects of civilwar on agricultural development and rural livelihood in Sierra Leone. In:Özerdem, A. and Roberts, R. (eds.) Challenging Post-conflict Environements: Sustainable Agriculture. Ashgate, England
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Seminar in Development Economics: Poverty and Climate change module
Addis Ababa University
- Department of Economics: Introduction to Economics, Introduction to Statistic Quantitative Methods and Ethiopian Economy