Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrifood Chain Management

Dennis Olumeh


Photo: Claudia Coral

PhD Student / Researcher








Short Bio

  • 02/2020 - 08/2023  PhD Student in the Agrifood Chain Management Group at Humbold-Universität zu Berlin
  • 2015-2018  M.Sc Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Nairobi
  • 2010-2014  B.Sc  Agribusiness Management, University of Nairobi


Research Interests

  • Rural development
  • Market and gender analysis for agricultural development
  • Impact analysis
  • Environmental economics





  • Olumeh, E. D., Adam, R., Otieno, D. and Oluoch-Kosura, W (2018). Characterizing Smallholder Maize Farmers’ Production and Marketing in Kenya: An Insight into the Intra-Household Gender, Wealth-Status and Educational Dimensions. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research ISSN 2422-8451.
  • Otieno D., Oluoch-Kosura W., Olumeh E.D. und Maroma D. (2018). Understanding local stakeholder perspectives on climate change: The case of smallholder farmers in Western Kenya, chapter 8, p 95-102. In: Bokelmann W. and Adamseged E.M. (eds). Value Chain Development for Food Security in the Context of Climate Change: Perspectives and Lessons from a North-South Capacity Building Project, published by Verlag Dr. Koster, Berlin, February 2018, 191pp, ISBN: 978-3-89574-933-9.
  • Olumeh, D. E., Adam, R., Otieno, D. and Oluoch-Kosura, W (2018). Understanding Gender Dynamics and Institutional Drivers of Land Access in Smallholder Maize Farms of Western Kenya. A poster presented at the 19th Annual World Bank Conference in March 18-24, 2018 in Washington, D.C.