21 |
Volker Beckmann, Evi Irawan and Justus Wesseler |
The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on IPM Adoption.
Empirical Evidence from Thailand |
20 |
Insa Theesfeld, Christian Schleyer, Jean-Marc Callois,
Olivier Aznar |
Ex-ante Policy Assessment from an Institutional
A Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment (PICA) |
19 |
Clem Tisdell |
Behaviours of conservation organizations and their
environmental implications
Analysis based on New (and not so new) Institutional Economics |
18 |
Franz Gatzweiler, Jörg Volkmann |
Beyond Economic Efficiency in Biodiversity
Conservation |
17 |
Fekadu Beyene |
The Role of Customary Institutions in Managing
Conflict on Grazing Land
A Case Study from Mieso District, Eastern Ethiopia |
2006: |
Stefan Jungcurt,
Thomas Meyer
Consolidation, Delimitation and
Disruptive Interplay and Strategic Incentives in the CBD-TRIPS
15 |
Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská,
Veronika Chobotová |
Shifting Governance in Slovensky Raj National Park
Published as:
Kluvánková-Oravská, Tatiana and Veronika Chobotová (2006).
Shifting Governance. Managing the Commons: the Case of Slovensky Raj
Park. Sociologia 38 (3), 221-244.
14 |
Bekele Hundie |
Explaining Changes of Property Rights among Afar Pastoralists,
Ethiopia |
13 |
Andreas Thiel |
Institutions of Sustainability and Multifunctional
Lessons from the Case of the Algarve |
12 |
Volker Beckmann,
Claudio Soregaroli,
Justus Wesseler |
Governing the Co-Existence of GM Crops.
Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and
Irreversibility |
2005: |
11 |
Katharina Rauchenecker,
Volker Beckmann |
Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement - Zur Rolle der
Veröffentlicht als:
Katharina Rauchenecker und Volker Beckmann (2007).
Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement. Zur Rolle der
Zwangsmitgliedschaft. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und
Umweltrecht 30(1), 1-26.
10 |
Ayalneh Bogale,
Benedikt Korf |
To share or not share?
(Non-) Violence, Scarcity and Resource Access in Somali Region,
Published as:
Ayalneh Bogale and Benedikt Korf (2007). To Share or Not To
Share?(Non-)Violence, Scarcity and Resource Access in Somali Region,
Journal of Development Studies 43 (4), 743-765.
9 |
Catherine Murray |
Social Capital and Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe.
A Theoretical Perspective |
8 |
Stefan Geyler
Robert Holländer |
Ein Vergleich von zentralen und dezentralen Lösungen
zur Abwasserentsorgung im ländlichen Raum |
7 |
Timothy Moss |
"Dissecting Institutions":
Bestandteile einer institutionellen Konfiguration am Beispiel der
Wasserwirtschaft |
6 |
Jan Monsees |
Operationalisierungsprobleme einer vergleichenden
zur Gewässerunterhaltung
Veröffentlicht als:
Monsees, J. (2005): Operationaliserungsprobleme einer
Institutionenanalyse am Beispiel Gewässerunterhaltung.
List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 31 (2):
5 |
Andreanne Leger |
Intellectual Property Rights and their Impacts in Developing
An Empirical Analysis of Maize Breeding in Mexico.
Published as:
Léger, Andréanne (2005). Intellectual property rights in Mexico:
they play a role? World Development 33 (11), 1865-1879.
2004: |
4 |
Jörg Eggers,
Lutz Laschewski,
Christian Schleyer |
Agri-Environmental Policy in Germany.
Understanding the Role of Regional Administration |
3 |
Annette Hurrelmann |
Analysing Agricultural Land Markets as Organisations - An Empirical
Study in Poland
Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Behavior and
2 |
Stefan Jungcurt |
The Politics of Incoherence: A Framework for the Analysis of
Functional Overlap in International Governance as Two-Level Game |
2003: |
1 |
Benedikt Korf |
Conflict - Threat or Opportunity? War, Livelihoods, and
Vulnerability in Sri Lanka
Published as:
Korf, Benedikt (2004) "War, Livelihoods and Vulnerability in Sri
Lanka", Development and Change 35(2), 275-295.