Ende: 10/2007
MitarbeiterInnen: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf, Dr. Martina Padmanabhan, Dr. Fekadu Beyene, Dr. Bekele Hundie, Juliana Helmerich
Projektpartner: Prof. Dr. Ayalneh Bogale, Alemaya University, Ethiopia
Leitung Gesamtprojekt: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn
Leitung HU-Teilprojekt: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf, Dr. Martina Padmanabhan
Finanzierung: Teilprojekt von IFPRI, Finanzierung über IFPRI vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
CAPRi (CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights)
CAPRi Workshop 2006
Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge:
Articles and discussion papers
Bekele Hundie 2008.Property rights changes among Afar pastoralists of Ethiopia: the role of the state, Vol 47. (2008), No. 2
Fekadu Beyene 2008. Institutions, determinants and effects of collective action among (agro)pastoralists of eastern Ethiopia, Vol 47. (2008), No. 2
Jemal, H., Bogale, A. and Hagedorn, K. (2008). Welfare loss for pastoralists due to wildlife protection areas: the case of Awash National Park, Ethiopia. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 47(3): 217- 238.
Martina Padmanabhan 2008. Collective action and property rights in Ethiopia/ Part I: Institutional change and pastoralism, Vol 47. (2008), No. 3.
Martina Padmanabhan 2008. Collective action and property rights in Ethiopia Part 2: Rural development and natural resource management, Vol 47. (2008), No. 3
Martina A. Padmanabhan 2008. Pastoral women as strategic and tactical agents in conflicts: negotiating access to resources and gender relations in Afar, Ethiopia, Vol 47. (2008), No. 3
Hundie Bekele; Padmanabhan, Martina. 2008. The transformation of the Afar commons in Ethiopia : State coercion, iversification and property rights change among pastoralists. (CAPRi working paper 87) Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 37 pages. [Language: EN] Order code: CAPRiWP87
Beyene, Fekadu; Korf, Benedikt. 2008. Unmaking the commons: Collective action, property rights and resource appropriation among (agro-) pastoralists in eastern Ethiopia. (CAPRi working paper 88) Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 26 pages. [Language: EN] Order code: CAPRiWP88
Crewett, Wibke; Bogale, Ayalneh; Korf, Benedikt. 2008. Land tenure in Ethiopia: Continuity and change, shifting rulers, and the quest for state control. (CAPRi working paper 91) Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 30 pages. [Language: EN] Order code: CAPRiWP91
Conference Papers:
Fekadu Beyene, Collective action and informal institutions: The case of agropastoralists of Eastern Ethiopia, Paper presented at the Policy Research Conference on Pastoralism and Poverty Reduction in East Africa held in Nairobi, June 2006.
Fekadu Beyene. Informal institutions and access to grazing resources: Practices and challenges among pastoralists of Eastern Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Policy Research Conference on Pastoralism and Poverty Reduction in East Africa held in Nairobi, June 2006 and the IASCP Biannual Conference in Bali, June 2006.