Who teaches at the summer school
Prof. Lippert is a professor for Production Theory and Resource Economics at University of Hohenheim in Germany. His past research focused on the analysis of land use activities like organic farming and the assessment of regional climate impacts on German agriculture. His current research deals with the valuation of ecosystem services and environmental resources. Prof. Lippert is especially interested in how Bhutan’s pioneering role for natural resource conservation can be combined with policies for sustainable rural livelihoods. He visited Bhutan in 2016 and is currently working on the economic valuation of measures mitigating the human-wildlife conflict in Bhutan.
Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe
Harald Grethe holds the chair of International Agricultural Trade and Development at Humboldt-University Berlin. He has experience in the analysis of policies related to agriculture, development and trade in the European Union and many other countries such as Turkey, Israel, China and Ethiopia. Since 2012, Mr. Grethe is the chair of the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Protection at the Federal German Ministry of Food and Agriculture. He visited and travelled Bhutan on various occasions and is particularly interested in how policies can help Bhutan to promote both animal and environmental protection as well as agricultural productivity and rural incomes.
Mrs. Gurung is an associate professor at the College of Natural Resources in Bhutan. Her research focuses on horticulture in Bhutan. She has been working on various research projects concerned with climate change impacts in the context of Bhutan. In collaboration with the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Mrs. Gurung worked on value chain analysis of goat farming and vegetable cultivation. Currently, shwe works on a ICIMOD project concerned with the role of transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge on the sustainability of mountainous agroecosystems.
Dr. Jonas Luckmann
Dr. Jonas Luckmann is a research associate at the Chair of International Agricultural Trade and Development at Humboldt-University of Berlin. His areas of research include econometric analysis of agricultural markets as well as the management of water and ecosystem services applying simulation modelling, focusing on economy-wide models. Together with Mr. Feuerbacher, Dr. Luckmann is working on improving the representation of the specificities of the Bhutanese agricultural sector in general equilibrium models. He is primarily interested in analyzing policies to promote sustainable agriculture and the preservation of natural resources.
Dr. Matthias Siebold
Matthias Siebold is lecturer at the University of Reading, UK, and Programme Director for BSc Agricultural Business Management. Mr. Siebold has also great operating experience as manager of a 700 ha mixed farm in Spain. His main research interests are farm level decision making models, management objectives and optimized resource use. He supervised an MSc thesis about Bhutanese smallholders’ decision-making models and published together with Mr. Feuerbacher and Mr. Lippert on charcoal production in Bhutan.
Arndt Feuerbacher
Mr. Feuerbacher is a PhD candidate at the International Agricultural Trade and Development research group at Humboldt-University of Berlin. He conducts research on the impact of agricultural policies on rural livelihoods in Bhutan employing economy-wide model frameworks. He visited Bhutan in 2013, 2015 and 2016. His research interest particularly focuses on rural labour markets and technological changes in the agricultural sector. Together with Prof. Tulsi Gurung from CNR, Mr. Feuerbacher is also responsible for the coordination and organization of the summer school.
Mr. Narjes is a PhD candidate at the Department of Production Theory and Resource Economics of the University of Hohenheim, where he works as a research and teaching assistant. His doctoral research is concerned with the economic value of policies to conserve wild bees and their contribution to crop pollination, and with how markets respond to changes in the provision of the latter. His attention has also been drawn to Bhutan’s rich beekeeping tradition and its potential to reconcile the economic incentives of individual smallholders with the broader goal of conserving the native pollinator fauna and its habitats.