Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Internationaler Agrarhandel und Entwicklung

Summer School Bhutan

CNR Summer School 2018 at the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan
The CNR Summer School 2018 is a three week summer school focusing on Foundations and Methods of Agricultural Economics and Policy for Sustainable Mountainous Development. The school is jointly organized by the College of Natural Resources (CNR), Lobesa, the Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany, University of Hohenheim, Germany and University of Reading, UK. The summer school consists of three one-week modules and will take place on the CNR campus at Lobesa from July, 2nd to July 20th 2018.
The summer school consists of the following three seminars:
Seminar 1: Analysis of agricultural policy scenatios in Bhutan (July 2-6, 2018)
Seminar 2: Principles of farm economics and resource planning (July 9-13, 2018)
Seminar 3: Environmental economics in the context of Bhutan (July 16-20, 2018)

For more information, please refer to the attached flyer or contact Arndt Feuerbacher (

You can find more information on this website or in our flyer.

Please note: the application deadline is June 8, 2018.



CNR Summer School 2017 at the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan

The CNR Summer School 2017 is a three week summer school from 11th to 29th of September, 2017 focusing on Foundations and Methods of Agricultural Economics and Policy for Sustainable Mountainous Development. The summer school consists of the following three seminars:


Seminar 1: Principles of farm economics and resource planning (Sept. 11-15, 2017)

Seminar 2: Environmental economics in the context of Bhutan (Sept. 18-22, 2017)

Seminar 3: Analysis of agricultural policy scenarios in Bhutan (Sept. 25-29, 2017)


The school is jointly organized by the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa as well as Humboldt-University of Berlin (HU Berlin) and University of Hohenheim. The CNR summer school was designed to meet the needs of persons either studying or working in the context of agriculture, forestry and natural resource management. For more information, please refer to the attached flyer or contact Arndt Feuerbacher (

You can find more information on this website or in our flyer.

Please note: the extended application deadline is Aug. 31, 2017.

Organized by:


Gefördert durch den DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
