Course Outline IATDR Seminar
Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
SR 2.01, PH 13, House 12
Date |
Name | Subject |
18.10. |
Opening Session |
08.11. |
29.11. | ||
06.12. |
24.01. |
Asaf Leshem |
Reema Ashrafi |
Agricultural Marketing System in
Bangladesh: An Overview of Village Phone Program |
Nana Afranaa Kwapong |
Micro Credits in Ghana |
31.01. |
Matthias Jung |
Second Generation of Biofuels
(BTL) |
07.02. |
Nicole Henke |
(zum Thema) Zertifizierungsprogramm |
14.02. |
Violetta Jaquez-Lina | Sustainable Development in the Amazon Region |
Anna Nemcova |
The Comparison of Protection for Key
Participants of International Agricultural Trade |
Stefan Schumacher |
Fertilizer and Modern Seed Use in
Selected SSA Countries |