Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Sarah Keutmann, M.A.

PhD candidate







Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
Department of Agricultural Economics
Division of Resource Economics
Luisenstr. 53

D-10099 Berlin







Research Interests


  • In general: Energy turnaround/ energy transition in Germany; more precisely the institutions concerning the agrowood sector (short rotation coppice and agroforestry systems) in the state of Brandenburg/ Germany
  • Research on the necessity for an institutional change and on the specific needs of the involved actors regarding new institutions
  • Qualitative research methods: interviews with experts and other relevant actors (farmers, service providers, consulting firms, political decision makers, policy advisors e.g. NGO`s, scientific researchers); organization of workshop to elaborate joint outcomes related to an institutional change


Academic Career


Since 10.10

PhD Student at the Division of Resource Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin.



Academic Background



University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde (now: Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development)
Master`s programme „Sustainable Tourism Management”, 2004-2007
Master`s Thesis on: „How can tourism be sustainable in arid landscapes? Analysis of the effects of the tourism at the example of the central Pro- Namib/ Namibia.“

Award of degree: M.A. (final grade 1.6), January 2007



Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald
Graduate studies in
„Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation“, 1999-2004
Diploma thesis on
„Approaches for problems of acceptability of National parks: Land rights- Participation- Project Work. The Example Cerro Hoya/ Panama“.

Award of degree: Dipl- Landschaftsökologin (final grade 1.5), October 2004




International Education

Universidad de Vigo/ Spain (February- June 2002)

Other Activities


05.09. – 09.10



05.07 – 05.09

Marketing Assistant at the Tourismusverband Dahme-Seen e.V. Königs Wusterhausen: Regional Tourism Marketing

Maternity Leave

04.06 – 09.06



08.05 – 01.06

Internship with the German Development Agency (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ) at the project „Tourism and sustainable development in Namibia“; April- June 2006 research trip for the Master`s Thesis to Namibia.

Internship within the Master`s programme „Sustainable Tourism Management“ at a Tour Operator for Latin America in Berlin.

09.05 - 11.05


05.05 – 11.05

Stay abroad in Dominican Republic and Panama: In the Dominican Republic: Research trip for the internship.

Preparation, Realization and Documentation of the seminar „Land Management incl. Land- and Land Use Rights in Projects of Nature Protection in the development cooperation (18.-23.07.2005) at the International Academy for Nature Conservation/ Internationale Naturschutzakademie/ INA, The Isle of Vilm.

03.03. – 04.03


Field trip of the University to Peru, Theme: Nature Conservation and traditional Land Use in Peru.

06.02. – 08.02



01.99 – 09.99



08.95 – 06.96


Internship in Santiago de Cuba/ Cuba: Study about the distribution and use of three endemic plant species.

Voluntary Ecological Year with the supporting organisation Foundation Nature Berlin: work at a medium- sized company for ecological building services.

Highschool exchange in Barranquilla/ Colombia.








Keutmann, S. (2007). „How can tourism be sustainable in arid landscapes? Analysis of the effects of the tourism at the example of the central Pro- Namib/ Namibia.“, Master thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde

Keutmann, S. (2004). : „Approaches for problems of acceptability of National parks: Land rights- Participation- Project Work. The Example Cerro Hoya/ Panama“.Diploma thesis at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald