Dr. Meike Brückner, Suse Brettin and Dr. Karin Sardadvar jointly publish a chapter in the work "Gleichstellung in progress"
The former deputy professor Dr. Karin Sardadvar has teamed up with Dr. Meike Brückner and Suse Brettin from the Department of Gender and Globalization to publish a chapter in the newly published work "Gleichstellung in progress" (ed. Angela Wroblewski, Angelika Schmidt 2024):
There are strong links between feminist and environmental perspectives. These include, firstly, the feminist critique of the economy, which criticizes the growth postulate and the exploitation of people and resources. Secondly, this includes demands for an expanded concept of work, combined with a reorganization of work. Thirdly, it includes an examination of care as a guiding concept - also beyond people. We discuss these three connecting lines on a conceptual level and conclude with implications for activist and political contexts.
Colloquium in honor of our deceased colleague Dr. Parto Teherani-Krönner
Parto passed away after a serious illness, but unexpectedly and far too early on 23.10.2023. Parto was passionately committed to women's and gender studies in rural areas, and agricultural sociology owes her significant impulses for the visibility of women and their work in the food sector. Her contributions to a human and cultural ecology of food are groundbreaking. Her concept of meal politics has inspired and shaped research at the Department of Gender and Globalization at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, which owes its existence to her persistent intervention at the former Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture. Parto's commitment to and with women was also expressed in her many years of cooperation with the Ahfad University for Women in Khartoum, Sudan. For the research on food security in Kenya in the joint project "Hortinlea", Parto Teherani-Krönner provided decisive suggestions and essential advice in the field. She was active in university politics as a decentralized women's representative at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture and was intensively involved in teaching and committee work, first at the ZiF and then at the ZtG (Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies). Together with the ZtG, she fought persistently and ultimately successfully for the establishment of the "Gender and Globalization" professorship.
A colloquium will be held in her honor on July 3, 2024 to honor Parto's work and remember her and her influence. With both substantive and personal contributions, it will build on her legacy and bring Parto's work into the present.
We are shocked and very sad to have lost an inspiring and warm-hearted colleague and friend.
Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt at Verlag Barbara Budrich - Handbook Politik und Geschlecht: Feministische Politische Ökologie, Ressourcenpolitik und Queer Ecologies
The gender binary and the socially and culturally constructed gender hierarchy justify the parallelization of the exploitation of natural resources and the ReProductivity of women. "Resource policy" calls for an end to the appropriation of women's labor and their environmental knowledge and for their inclusion in environmental policy decisions. Queer ecologies make it possible to free care responsibility from its ties to quasi-natural re-production relations and to politicize it. Find the publication in German.
Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt - FrauenUmweltbewegungen - Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv - 24. April 2024
The women's environmental movements of the 1970s and 1980s in West Germany criticized the domination of nature and the control of women's bodies as a patriarchal project of domination. However, the term 'ecofeminism' to analyze the destruction of the environment and life is controversial among activists. Read about it in the Digital German Women's Archive.
Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt: Ecofeminist perspectives on the socio-ecological transformation of the Green New Deal - New Article
The "European Green Deal" and similar (infrastructure) investment-oriented policies aim to achieve green growth. However, they do not take into account the necessities of social reproduction. This, however, would be a prerequisite for a policy that puts people's needs first. Link to download by clicking on the headline.
Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises - New Publication at the Department
Dr. Meike Brückner and Suse Brettin from the department of Gender and Globalisation have a read available for you:
The volume Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises - How Social and technological Innovations Shape Everyday Consumption Practices, edited by Arne Dulsrud and Francesca Forno at Palgrave Macmillan, focuses on interdisciplinary reflections on digital platforms and food provisioning. Through twenty academic positions new perspectives in food and consumption research are heard in this publication, offering both conceptual-theoretical insights into contemporary food issues and empirical illustrations.
Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt at les Rencontres de l'Ecologie Politiques 2023
Call for Papers! Submission deadline until 01.12.2023.
This call for abstracts aims to gather perspectives from gender studies and feminist theories on the current climate and environmental crises and to address the numerous interconnections between multiple relations of exploitation. Different perspectives from gender studies will be addressed, including ecofeminist, intersectional, postcolonial approaches, queer and trans studies, or critical masculinity studies. Submitted papers can illuminate the topic from different disciplines and from interdisciplinary perspectives.
The call invites extended abstracts as proposals for contributions to the ÖZS special issue of to be submitted. Contributions can be empirical (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) or conceptual.
Deadline for submission of extended abstract: 01.12.2023 (please email to.
katharina.kreissl@jku.at and karin.sardadvar@wu.ac.at)
Der Lila Podcast: Feminism for everybody - Prof. Dr. Bauhardt talks with Marlene Engelhorn
8 hours of work, 8 hours of free time, 8 hours of sleep - for many, this is the ideal for their everyday lives. But it doesn't work out that easily, recreation and free time fall by the wayside, people run after unfinished to-do lists and collapse exhausted at some point. In other words, the capitalist system in which we live and work is anti-human.
From minute 20:30, Prof. Bauhardt can be heard with her perspective.
Dr. Meike Brückner published a new article on the Food, Fatness and Fitness Blog - June, 1 2023
In her article "Rich People’s Food? Changing Food Landscapes and the Need for a Critical Discourse on Superfoods", Meike Brückner addresses superfood discourses, in which the role of small-scale farmers is often romanticized and stereotyped. The qualitative participatory study, now published on the Food, Fatness and Fitness - Critical Perspectives-Blog, was conducted in rural (Kakamega) and urban (Nairobi) Kenya. Here, the focus was put on the economic, social and gendered consequences of changing the food landscapes of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) from a local crop to a superfood.
Nature-Society Relations and the Global Environmental Crisis – Thinking on Climate Change and Sustainability from the Fields of Intersectional Theory and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
This year's conference on social relations of nature organized by the ZtG will take place from May 4 - 6 at the Humboldt University Berlin. For registration you can follow the marked link directly. The detailed program and further practical information can be found on the ZtG homepage.
Fragmented work schedules: Shared services in care and cleaning - 02.02.2023
They characterize the everyday life of many bus drivers, cleaners, waiters and nurses: shared services - a form of working time in which the working day is divided into several short time blocks. For example, office cleaners often work from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and then again from about 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.. In between, there are several hours of unpaid time. What does such a working time model mean for the employees' working and overall lives? In an ongoing sociological research project, our substitute professor, Dr. Sardadvar, is looking at the design and consequences of this form of work schedule, about which there has been little in the way of scientific findings. In a new post on the Genderblog of the ZtG of the Humboldt University, she presents selected interim results.
Nutrition as gendered practice - 01/16/2023
New publication of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies - results, projects and debates from research and teaching in Gender Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin! "Sustainability does not take place in an empty space": nutrition as gendered practice. In this video, Meike Brückner and Suse Brettin report on their research in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences. Using the example of nutrition and agriculture, they address the dynamic network of relationships between humans and nature, particularly with regard to gendered structures.
New blog post in the Fall Series - Weather Matters, October 2022
Meike Brückner and Suse Brettin from the Department of Gender and Globalisation contributed a blog post to the Weather Matters Forum publication. Originally emerging out of the RAI Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change conference at the British Museum in May 2016, Weather Matters is an independently edited forum welcoming ethnographic vignettes, fieldwork notes, blogs, book reviews, articles, photo essays, (visual) stories, films, podcasts, calls for papers, job posts, and conference reviews. Meike Brückner's and Suse Brettin's contribution can be read here in this year's Fall Series.
Guest Researcher at the Division - 04.07.2022
Dr. Susana Borràs-Pentinat is an Associate Professor of International Environmental Law, Università degli Studi di Macerata (Italy) and University Rovira i Virgili (Spain). She is Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow on the Project CLIMOVE (Climate Migration from a gender perspective), (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020) nº 101031252.
The CLIMOVE Project (gender CLImate Migration: innOvatiVe European Union socio-legal avenues) addresses the challenging socio-legal avenues for the European Union to respond the climate migration from a gender perspective. The overall objective of this research project is to develop a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of climate change-induced migration from a gender perspective at the EU and EU member state levels, generating critical and social knowledge to respond to this complex societal challenge.
New Article in the Berliner Blätter - 07.04.2022
Dr. Meike Brückner from the division of Gender and Globalisation published an article with Gülay Caglar in the current magazine of the Berliner Blätter. With their article Feministische Politische Ökologie von Agrobiodiversität und Ernährung: Indigenes Blattgemüse in Kenia they show how women in differenct local and socio-economical contexts take care for the maintenance of biodiversity and actively contribute to a sustainable lifestyle for themselves, producers and their respective environment directly from the kitchen with empirically evaluated findings from a qualitative-participatory research.
Temporary personnel change to the Summer Semester 2022 - 01.04.2022
From the summer semester 2022 on, we at the division of Gender and Globalisation, have a temporary replacement for our valued head of the Divison Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt. She is until lthe end of the Winter Semester 2023 on a sabbatical break.
In the meantime she will be raplaced by Dr. Karin Sardadvar from the Economic University Vienna and contributes a feminist research focus on care work in the service sector.
New review published "Wicked Flesh: Black Women, Intimacy, and Freedom in the Atlantic World."
Naima Maungue, former student assistant, published a review on Jessica Marie Johnson's monograph Wicked Flesh: Black Women, Intimacy, and Freedom in the Atlantic World. The review was published in early October 2021 and is available online on the H-Soz-Kult website.
"A recipe for localization?" New publication in August 2021
Sandra Čajić, Meike Brückner and Suse Brettin published a new article in August 2021 "A recipe for localization? Digital and analogue elements in food provisioning in Berlin. A critical examination of potentials and challenges from a gender perspective."
New publicationn: "Reflection: Food as pleasure or pressure? The care politics of the pandemic."
Sandra Čajić, Meike Brückner and Christine Bauhardt published a new article in July 2021: "Reflection: Food as pleasure or pressure? The care politics of the pandemic." In the article the researchers look at the changes in the care politics in the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Debate with Prof. Christine Bauhardt an the Goethe Institut Barcelona "Women, Work and Ecological Transformation on 27 May
On 27 May 2021, Prof. Christine Bauhardt debated with Ana Belén Sánchez from the ILO on the topic of "Women, Work and Ecological Transformation" as part of the Futur FEM event series. The debate was organised by the Goethe-Institut in Barcelona and took place in Spanish and German with simultaneous translation via Zoom. The discussion focused on the question of the extent to which the "green economy" influences the world of work for women and what opportunities arise for women as a result.
Lecture by Prof. Christine Bauhardt "Wissen Macht Geschlecht - Geschlecht Macht Wissen" on 6 May
At the invitation of the Max Weber Programme, a network of the German National Academic Foundation for students and fellows, Prof. Christine Bauhardt gave a lecture on 6 May 2021 entitled "Wissen Macht Geschlecht - Geschlecht Macht Wissen. Hierarchies of knowledge and power in food policy". More than 80 interested people attended the Zoom event and a lively and challenging debate took place.
"Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care. In Search of Economic Alternatives" now available as Paperback
The book by Christine Bauhardt and Wendy Harcourt "Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care. In Search of Economic Alternatives" ist now available as paperback.
Presentation of the PLATEFORMS research project at the 4th Bonn Nutrition Days
On the occasion of the 4th Bonn Nutrition Days in September 2020, the researchers Dr Meike Brückner and Sandra Čajić presented the PLATEFORMS research project. They explained the research focus and also presented preliminary results of the project. In addition, an interview participant is accompanied in her everyday life around sustainable nutrition. The presentation is now also available in English. Please enter full screen mode on the Pageflow, in order to enjoy the full experience.
New publication 2020: Biodiversity in the Kitchen. Cooking and Caring for African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya: A Feminist Approach to Food Sovereignty.
In July 2020 Dr. Meike Brückner piublished her dissertation as a book "Biodiversity in the Kitchen. Cooking and Caring for African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya: A Feminist Approach to Food Sovereignty" at oekom Verlag.
New Article "Corona and Care" by Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt
In April 2020 Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt published her highly topical article "Corona and Care - feminist thoughts in a bleak time". The article is about the impact of the global Corona pandemic on care-work which is carried by women.
PLATEFORMS Workshop on the 24th and 25th of March 2020 - cancelled
On the 24th and 25th of March 2020 the division of Gender and Globalisation's team organizes the internal annual meeting of the SUSFOOD sub-project PLATEFORMS at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Invited are guests of the international partner-institutes. The first research results will be presented and potential ways of publication will be discussed.