Prisca Kimaro

PhD Student
Room 1140
Short Bio
- Since 08/2023 Doctoral Researcher at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and part of the Agrifood Chain Management Group at Humboldt University of Berlin
- 05/2019 - to date, Assistant Lecturer at the College of Economics and Business Studies (COEBS) of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania
- O8/2013-07/2015, Master of Science in Agriculture economics, The Ohio State University, USA
- 2008-2011, Bachelor of Rural Development, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
Research Interests
- Agriculture value chain development
- Climate change and adaptation strategies
- Food systems transitions
- Kadigi, Reuben MJ, Charles Peter Mgeni, Joseph Rajabu Kangile, Aika Okting'ati Aku, and Prisca Kimaro. "Can a legal game meat trade in Tanzania lead to reduced poaching? Perceptions of stakeholders in the wildlife industry." Journal for Nature Conservation76 (2023): 126502.
- Mpenda, Zena, Joseph Kangile, Aika Aku, Revocatus Ntengo Kayaga, Venance Mpunde, Prisca Kimaro, Andrew Rogers, Edson Sanga, and Adam Akyoo. "Impacts of Global Crises on Food, Fuel, and Fertilizer (3Fs) Availability and Prices in Tanzania: Key Learnings for Future Global Shocks." (2024).