Dr. Wibke Crewett
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin D-10099 Berlin Germany |
Phone |
+49-30-2093-46384 |
Fax |
+49-30-2093-46361 |
wibke_crewett (at) web.de |
Research Interests
Theory-based studies of ongoing processes of institutional change in nature-related socio-ecological systems, such as
Working experience
Methodological focus
- Brückenmodul „Bioökonomie im Diskurs. Gegenwart und Zukunft der energetischen Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher Rohstoffe“ in cooperation with Dr. M. Proestou; winter term 2016/17
- Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological-Technical Systems in cooperation with Prof. K. Hagedorn and Dr. D. Zikos; winter term 2016/17
- “Analysis of Global Value and Supply Chains in Horti- and Agriculture” as part of Theory, Analysis and Empirical Study of Institutions and Organzations; Ph.D. Workshop (Promotionskolleg) Theory, Analysis and Scientific Process, 21.-25.09.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- “Research Process, Research Design and Logic of Inquiry” as part of Advanced Empirical Methodology for Socio-Ecological Systems Analysis . Multiple Methods, Game Theory and Behavioural Experiments, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; summer term 2014, summer term 2015
Academic Career
Since 2013 |
Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, Division of Resource Economics Research Fellow |
2011-2013 |
Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. in Müncheberg, Germany, Institute of Socio-Economics Research Associate |
2008 |
Ostrom Workshop (Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis) in Bloomington, USA, Indiana University Visiting Scholar |
2007-2011 |
Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, Division of Resource Economics Research Fellow |
2006-2007 |
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, Department of Cultural Geography Research Associate |
2005-2006 |
Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. in Müncheberg, Germany, Institute of Socio-Economics Research Associate |
Academic Background
2016 | Dr. rer. agr. in Agricultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2005 |
M.Sc. in International Agriculture, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2002 |
B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Peer-reviewed academic publications
Crewett, Wibke (2015): Street-level bureaucrats at work: a municipality-level institutional analysis of community-based natural resource management implementation practice in the pasture sector of Kyrgyzstan (Sustainability, 7).
Crewett, Wibke (2015): Introducing decentralized pasture governance in Kyrgyzstan. Designing implementation rules. In: Environmental Science & Policy 53, S. 215–224. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.12.009.
Sieber, Stefan; Jha, Srijna; Tharayil Shereef, Amjath-Babu; Bringe, Franziska; Crewett, Wibke; Uckert, Goetz et al. (2015): Integrated assessment of sustainable agricultural practices to enhance climate resilience in Morogoro, Tanzania. In: Regional Environmental Change 15 (7), S. 1281–1292. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-015-0810-5.
Crewett, Wibke (2012): Improving the sustainability of pasture Use in Kyrgyzstan. In: Mountain Research and Development 32 (3), S. 267–274. DOI: 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-11-00128.1.
Crewett, Wibke; Korf, Benedikt (2008): Ethiopia: Reforming land tenure. In: Review of African Political Economy 35 (116), S. 203–220.
Book chapter
Crewett, Wibke (2016): "There is a new law?". Experiences from the implementation of a pasture governance reform in Kyrgyzstan. In: Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Anastasiya Shtaltovna und Conrad Schetter - Peter Lang (Hg.): Agricultural knowledge and knowledge systems in Post-Soviet societies. New York NY: Peter Lang (Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe, 14), S. 359–380.
Book Review
Crewett, Wibke (2008): Book review on “Land, law and Islam” by Hilary Lim and Sirij Sait. In: Progress in Development Studies.
Other academic writing
Crewett, Wibke (2016): Decentralization in the Kyrgyz agricultural sector. An institutional analysis. Berlin: Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
Crewett, Wibke (2005): Property rights to land in the eastern highlands of Ethiopia. History, debate and implementation of the ‘Oromia Regional Land Use and Administration Proclamation’ 2002.” M.Sc. thesis. Humboldt-University Berlin.
Crewett, Wibke (2002): Partizipation in der Projektplanung. Ein Vergleich von Zielorientierter Projektplanung und Participatory Rural Appraisal. B.Sc.thesis. Humboldt-University Berlin.
Reports and consultancies (selections)
Crewett, Wibke (2015): Desert Pasture Livestock Report. Report to the project: Reducing pressures on natural resources from competing land use in non-irrigated mountain, semi-desert and desert landscapes of Uzbekistan, Client: UNDP Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Crewett, Wibke; Bringe, Franziska; Sieber, Stefan and Karen Tscherning (2008): Scaling-up of sustainable agricultural practices. Software tool and handbook. Client: GIZ and Germany Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
Bringe, Franziska; Crewett, Wibke; Sieber, Stefan; Tscherning, Karen and Götz Uckert (2006): Sustainable agriculture as an approach for pro-poor growth in developing countries. Final report of project No. 05HS032. Client: Federal Agency for Agriculture and Nutrition, Bonn.Crewett, Wibke (2004): The animal feed sector in Azerbaijan. Report to GTZ Agricultural Advisory Policy Project Baku, Azerbaijan