Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Konrad Hagedorn
- Personal Information
- Educational Background
- Academic and Employment History
- Memberships, Funktions and Awards
- Selected Research Projects
- Publications
Personal Information
Name |
Hagedorn, Konrad, Prof. Dr. sc. agr. habil., Dr. h.c. |
Date of birth |
15 December 1948 |
Place of birth |
Leer (Lower Saxony), Germany |
Affiliation |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Phone: +49 30 2093 46360, Email: k.hagedorn (at)
Educational Background
1990 |
Post-doctorate (“Habilitation”): Dr. sc. agr. habil. and venia legendi in Ag-ricultural Economics, Göttingen University, Germany |
1989 |
Post-doctoral thesis („Habilitationsschrift“): „Das Institutionenproblem in der agrarökonomischen Politikforschung“ (Institutions as a Research Problem in Agricultural Economics). |
1982 |
Doctorate: Dr. sc. agr., summa cum laude, in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Göttingen University, Germany |
1979 |
Doctoral dissertation: „Agrarsozialpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ (Social Policy for Agriculture in the Federal Republic of Germany) |
1976 |
Diploma: Dipl.-Ing. agr. in Agricultural Sciences, Göttingen University |
1968 -1975 |
Study Programme in Agricultural Sciences with specialisation in Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Göttingen University, Germany |
Academic and Employment History
2014 to date |
Initiator of the “Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems” (WINS) at Humboldt University Berlin |
2013 to date |
Member of the Integrative Research Institute at Humboldt University Berlin “Transformations of Human-Environment Systems” (IRI THESys) |
2010 to date |
Senior Fellow in the Department of Economic and Technological Change of the Center for Development Research Bonn (ZEF), Germany |
2009 to date |
Affiliated Faculty of the “Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis”, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA |
10/2005-11/2005 |
Visiting Scholar at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, in the “Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis”, Indiana University |
Since 1994 |
University Professor at Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Division of Resource Economics, Germany |
Since 1994 |
Executive Director of the Institute of Co-operative Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany |
1993-1999 |
Special Chair in Socio-Economic Aspects of Transformation Processes in Central and Eastern European Agriculture at Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands |
1993-1994 |
Director & Professor at the Institute of Structural Research of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Völkenrode (FAL), Germany |
1989-1991 |
Interim Chair of Horticultural Market Analysis at the Department of Horticultural Economics at the Hannover University, Germany |
1981-1993 |
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Structural Research of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Völkenrode (FAL), Germany |
1980 |
Visiting Scholar funded by German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) at the University of California, Berkeley, USA |
1976-1979 |
Junior Researcher at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Division of Agricultural Policy, Göttingen University, Germany |
Memberships, Functions and Awards
- Membership: German Association of Agricultural Economics (GEWISOLA), German Economic Association (VfS), European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE), International Asso-ciation of Agricultural Economics (IAAE), International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASC), International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), European Socie-ty for Ecological Economics (ESEE), International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), German Association of Institutes for Cooperative Studies (AGI) (Chairman 2010-2013), etc.
- Thematic Groups: Committee on Environmental and Resource Economics (AURÖ) of the Ger-man Economic Association (VfS); Interdisciplinary Working Group (IAG) Global Change and Regional Development of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (BBAW); Social-Ecological Systems Club (SES Club); European Group for the Study of Socio-Ecological & So-cio-Technical Systems (The European SETS Consortium), Research Network of Academic Researchers of Agricultural Cooperatives (eRNAC), etc
- Review Groups: Review Board 207 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) “Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine” 2005-2009; Competency Team of Research Priority 4a on “Integrated Land, Water and Forest Management at Landscape Level” (BEAF); European Commission pool of Framework Programme proposal reviewers
- Project reviewer: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), German Feder-al Ministry of Development Cooperation (BMZ), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), German Research Foundation (DFG), European Science Foundation (ESF), Volkswagen Foun-dation (VS), German Federal Environmental Foundation (BMU), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), and others
- Journal reviewer: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics, Ecological Economics, Land Use Policy, Journal of Envi-ronmental Planning and Management, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Ecological Economics, Ecology and Society, and other journals
Editorial Boards: “Journal of Environmental Policy and Law”; “Emerging Megacities”; “Czech Journal of Agricultural Economics”; “Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa (AGREKON)”; “Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research”, edt. by the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
- Editor of the Book Series “Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources” (ICAR), (with Volker Beckmann), published by Shaker, Aachen, Germany (more than 50 books)
- Editor of the Book Series “Emerging Megacities” (with Christine Werthmann, Ramesh Chenna-maneni and Dimitrios Zikos), published by Europäische Hochschulschriften, Frankfurt, Germany
- Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Co-operative Studies at Humboldt-Universität (IfG)
Board of International Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. Rural Development (IMRD)
(until 2016)
Programme Director of M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)
(until 2016)
- Award of Honorary Doctorate from Plovdiv Agricultural University, Bulgaria, in 2004
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Raiffeisen Foundation since 2012
Selected Research Projects
- KATO Comparative Analysis of the Transition Process in the Agricultural Sector of Central and Eastern European Countries, funded by Volkswagen Foundation (1997-2001)
- GRANO Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture in North-East Germany, together with ZALF, funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (1998-2002)
- CEESA Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture, funded under the EU 5th Framework Programme (2000-2003)
- PINE Promoting Institutions for Natural Resource and Environmental Management in Central and Eastern Europe, with Elinor Ostrom, Humboldt Foundation (2002-2005)
- IDARI Integrated Development of Agricultural and Rural Institutions in CEEC, funded under the EU 5th Framework Programme (2002-2005)
- ITAES Integrated Tools to Design and Implement Agro-Environmental Schemes, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2007)
- MEACAP Impact of Environmental Agreements on the CAP, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2006)
- SEAMLESS System for Environmental and Agro-economic Modeling; Linking European Science and Society, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2009)
- SENSOR Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2009)
- Megacity II Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad, funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2008-2013)
- CAPRI Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction, funded by German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation, with IFPRI, Washington D.C. (2004-2006)
- ASIA Link Recreate Restructuring Higher Education in Resource and Environmental Economics in East-Asian Transition Economies, funded by the EU (2005-2008)
- ETHIOPIA The Role of Local Level Institutions Towards Enhancing Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Ethiopia, funded by German Research Foundation (2003-2004)
- SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY IN THE UKRAINE Developing Multi-Level and Decentralized Implemen-tation Capacity for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Policies: A contribution to polycentric governance in an emerging democracy (2009)
- RSP Making Rural Services Work for the Poor, funded by German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation, with IFPRI, Washington D.C. (2007-2010)
- RESEARCH GROUP Structural Change in Agriculture. Project 11: Cooperative and Bureaucratic Modes of Institutional Change, German Research Foundation (2007-2010)
- SoCo Soil Conservation and Policy Measures: Case Studies, funded by EU (2007-2008)
- GoCon Governing Farmland Conversion in the Quest of Sustainability: A Comparative Study of China and Germany, funded by Robert Bosch Foundation (2008-2010)
- INAF “Institutions of Sustainability” as an Analytical Framework and Research Heuristics funded by German Research Foundation (2010-2012)
- ELaN Development of an Integrated Approach to Land Management for Sustainable Use of Water and Matter in North-Eastern Germany, Sub-project 9 “Property Rights and Transactions” funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2011-2015)
- SASCHA Sustainable Land Management and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change for the Western Siberian Corn-belt; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2011-2016)
- SUNRISE Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in an Institutional Perspective; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2009-2012)
- econCCadapt Economics of Climate Change Adaptation - Integrating Economic Modeling and Institutional Analysis at Different Scales; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2009-2012)
- Coop Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; funded by the European Commission (2010-2012)
- HORTINLEA Institutional Arrangements in Horticulture and Collective Action along the Value Chain (2013-2018)
- InDeCA Designing Social Institutions in Transition: Promotion of Institutional Development for Common Pool Resources Management in Central Asia
Inimbio – Institutional Implications of the Development of the Bioeconomy (2017-2019)