Prof. Dr. Achim Hagen
- Kontakt
- Forschungsinteressen
- Affiliations and Positions
- Research Visits
- Education
- Ausgewählte Publikationen
Forschungsinteressen |
Kontakt |
Raum: 1.18b achim.hagen(at) |
Affiliations and Positions
- since 2022 Head of the Junior Research Group PECan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- since 2020 Research Associate, Berlin School of Economics.
- since 2020 Fellow, Berlin Center for Consumer Policies (BCCP).
Research Visits
- 09-11/2020 University of Oslo
- 11/2018-01/2019 Wageningen University
- 09-10/2017 American University of Central Asia
- 04-05/2017 London School of Economics and Political Science
- 2018 PhD, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Thesis title: Global Climate Policy Beyond Nation-State Actors: An Economic Analysis of Environmental Cooperation.
- 2014 Master of Arts Sustainability Economics and Management, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.
Selected Publications
von Dulong, A., A. Gard-Murray, A. Hagen, N. Jaakkola and S. Sen (2023) Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. Accepted.
von Dulong, A., A. Hagen, R. Mendelevitch and K. Eisenack. (2023). Buy coal and gas? Addressing interfuel carbon leakage on deposit markets with market power. Energy Economics 117, 106434.
Hagen, A. and J. Schneider (2022). ‘Small Climate Clubs Should Not Use Trade Sanctions’. Energy Research & Social Science 92 (October): 102777.
Hagen, A., & Schneider, J. (2021). Trade sanctions and the stability of climate coalitions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102504, .
Eisenack, K., A. Hagen, R. Mendelevitch and A. Vogt. (2021). Politics, profits and climate policies: How much is at stake for fossil fuel producers? Energy Research & Social Science 77, 102092, .
Hagen, A., J.-C. Altamirano-Cabrera and H.-P. Weikard (2020) National political pressure groups and the stability of international environmental agreements, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, .
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