Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Ressourcenökonomie

ICAR Discussion Papers

Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR)

edited by Volker Beckmann and Konrad Hagedorn



21 Volker Beckmann, Evi Irawan and Justus Wesseler The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on IPM Adoption.
Empirical Evidence from Thailand


20 Insa Theesfeld, Christian Schleyer, Jean-Marc Callois, Olivier Aznar Ex-ante Policy Assessment from an Institutional Perspective
A Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Assessment (PICA)


19 Clem Tisdell Behaviours of conservation organizations and their environmental implications
Analysis based on New (and not so new) Institutional Economics

18 Franz Gatzweiler, Jörg Volkmann Beyond Economic Efficiency in Biodiversity Conservation

17 Fekadu Beyene The Role of Customary Institutions in Managing Conflict on Grazing Land
A Case Study from Mieso District, Eastern Ethiopia


Stefan Jungcurt,
Thomas Meyer
Consolidation, Delimitation and Stalemate
Disruptive Interplay and Strategic Incentives in the CBD-TRIPS Relationship

15 Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská,
Veronika Chobotová
Shifting Governance in Slovensky Raj National Park

Published as:
Kluvánková-Oravská, Tatiana and Veronika Chobotová (2006).
Shifting Governance. Managing the Commons: the Case of Slovensky Raj National
Park. Sociologia 38 (3), 221-244.

14 Bekele Hundie Explaining Changes of Property Rights among Afar Pastoralists, Ethiopia

13 Andreas Thiel Institutions of Sustainability and Multifunctional Landscapes.
Lessons from the Case of the Algarve

12 Volker Beckmann,
Claudio Soregaroli,
Justus Wesseler
Governing the Co-Existence of GM Crops.
Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility

11 Katharina Rauchenecker,
Volker Beckmann
Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement - Zur Rolle der Zwangsmitgliedschaft

Veröffentlicht als:
Katharina Rauchenecker und Volker Beckmann (2007).
Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement. Zur Rolle der
Zwangsmitgliedschaft. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 30(1), 1-26.

10 Ayalneh Bogale,
Benedikt Korf
To share or not share?
(Non-) Violence, Scarcity and Resource Access in Somali Region, Ethiopia

Published as:
Ayalneh Bogale and Benedikt Korf (2007). To Share or Not To
Share?(Non-)Violence, Scarcity and Resource Access in Somali Region, Ethiopia.
Journal of Development Studies 43 (4), 743-765.

9 Catherine Murray Social Capital and Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe.
A Theoretical Perspective

8 Stefan Geyler
Robert Holländer
Ein Vergleich von zentralen und dezentralen Lösungen
zur Abwasserentsorgung im ländlichen Raum

7 Timothy Moss "Dissecting Institutions":
Bestandteile einer institutionellen Konfiguration am Beispiel der Wasserwirtschaft

6 Jan Monsees Operationalisierungsprobleme einer vergleichenden Institutionenanalyse
zur Gewässerunterhaltung

Veröffentlicht als:
Monsees, J. (2005): Operationaliserungsprobleme einer vergleichenden
Institutionenanalyse am Beispiel Gewässerunterhaltung.
List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 31 (2): 139-161.

5 Andreanne Leger Intellectual Property Rights and their Impacts in Developing Countries.
An Empirical Analysis of Maize Breeding in Mexico.

Published as:
Léger, Andréanne (2005). Intellectual property rights in Mexico: Do
they play a role? World Development 33 (11), 1865-1879.

4 Jörg Eggers,
Lutz Laschewski,
Christian Schleyer
Agri-Environmental Policy in Germany.
Understanding the Role of Regional Administration

3 Annette Hurrelmann Analysing Agricultural Land Markets as Organisations - An Empirical Study in Poland

Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

2 Stefan Jungcurt The Politics of Incoherence: A Framework for the Analysis of
Functional Overlap in International Governance as Two-Level Game

1 Benedikt Korf Conflict - Threat or Opportunity? War, Livelihoods, and Vulnerability in Sri Lanka
Published as:
Korf, Benedikt (2004) "War, Livelihoods and Vulnerability in Sri
Lanka", Development and Change 35(2), 275-295.

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